Statistics 80% of men older than 40 years are faced with such a disease, such as prostatitis. The phenomenon is typical-and curable. It is important not to let the disease without attention, because on the background of prostatitis are often observed, and other diseases. In the article, we are going to talk about the disease of the prostate, what is it, what are the symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland in men, and what are the means of treatment. And also, you will find a photo of prostatitis (as appears in men painful prostate).

Prostatitis in men
Many are interested: "what is prostatitis?" It is an inflammation of the prostate gland in men. The structure of the reproductive system of men involves the passage of the urethra through the prostate gland, that is to say, around the tube which transmits the urine is the prostate. Therefore, when there occurs an increase of the prostate, there are problems with the withdrawal of the urine, so that the iron compresses the urinary tract. Thus, the greater the increase of the prostate, the more locked in the urine, which zastaivayas in the body just begins to relax. And this is not the only problem that may occur on the bottom of the prostate.
The reasons of occurrence
Not necessarily the disease can manifest itself in all men aged 40 years. The development of prostatitis is preceded by a number of reasons.
They are the following:
- The most important and frequent the development of prostatitis is the process of altering the circulation of the blood. In their turn the causes of the violation of the circulation promotes sedentary lifestyles and excess weight.
- In the inflammatory process of the prostate may occur because of the infection in the body. It may fall after diseases: gonorrhea, sore throat, tuberculosis, or influenza. Similarly, often, prostatitis and hemorrhoids go hand in hand".
- The trauma of the basin, which leads to a decreased blood circulation. Often, these small injuries are likely to occur in the conductors. Their work involves constant vibrations, joltings and pressures at the crotch.
- Prostatitis exposed and those who do not have a regular sexual life, to fail in hormone levels, and chronic diseases of the urinary system.
- The immune system can also have an impact on the occurrence of prostatitis. In the gland of the prostate the inflammatory process may develop as a result of the persistence of stress, bad habits, a poor diet. All of this leads to the fact that the immunity is low, and the body cannot fight at full power with infections that can enter the body. All of these ingredients and lead to the appearance of the inflammation of the prostate.
- Not to exclude, and as the cause of prostatitis constipation. Especially if the disease becomes chronic, can-soon-to-be appear problems with urination it is because of the appearance of prostatitis.

There are several basic types of prostatitis.
Depending on what type of disease is diagnosed in a patient depends entirely on treatment:
This name speaks for itself and means that the body is the attack of an infectious process, which is appeared by the malware to bacteria. This form is subject to rapid evolution and causes severe discomfort in the patient with fever, and malaise. In addition, the patient begins to have serious problems with the power. Chronic prostatitis form. This form of the disease is very dangerous for men, because the disease develops gradually, and hidden. Called disease can be a variety of reasons, including the penetration into the prostate and the pathogenic bacteria. Often it is not curable prostatitis acute can develop and become chronic. If talking about symptoms, they are the following: difficulty urinating, an unpleasant sensation in the form of slight pain in the perineum, lethargy, nervousness, and weakness throughout the body, a severe drop in libido.
The symptoms
One of the first signs of prostatitis is an increase in urination. If the disease is present in the acute form, when the prostatitis increases the temperature of the body. Also, the patient may be observed in selection when of prostatitis, for example, when the patient manifests itself purulent prostatitis, during urination and defecation, can come out and pus. In the case of prostatitis a man is suffering from various ailments: in the testicles and the groin, in the lower back and the back. Similarly, this disease affects the emotional state of the man. He is constantly in the sad mood, irritable, note the lack of libido. It is the lack of power of the man perceives as problems that are not related to the prostate. Even if these signs and symptoms of prostatitis are not explicitly, the man should pay attention to their health. The disease itself does not pass, and in the worst case, lead to other diseases.

The diagnosis
What to do in case of prostatitis? First of all, you need to make a diagnosis of prostatitis. In order to determine the presence of this disease as prostatitis, specialists can be assigned to a variety of research to gather information. Also, when a patient comes in with complaints that characterize, in particular in the prostate, the doctor must examine the patient by the rectal route. Also, the patient should perform a swab of the urethra. To do this, use disposable smear, which is placed in the penis. The result of a smear test can completely answer the question about the presence of the disease in the patient. In addition, the applicant must submit the analysis of urine, experts recommend that you send them on the search and the sperm. This can help you to determine the state of the sexual function in a patient diagnosed with prostatitis. Does one in the army prostatitis? The answer to this question is clearly impossible. It all depends on the form of the disease and the treatment method.
The disease of prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate, which is known to the medicine since a long time. But the process quite difficult. And if an acute form of rapidly remedy, the chronic form of prostatitis and can not resist the adjustment. Also, many researchers in this field have their point of view on the means of treatment of prostatitis.
But there was unambiguously points that do not doubt to no one:
- What will be the effectiveness of a therapy, it all depends on how quickly treatment begins after the diagnosis.
- The treatment only needs to be holistic and take into account all the characteristics of the current of the prostatitis.
- A single drug for the treatment of non. If you will help a patient, this is not the fact that the other will also help.
If you are diagnosed with prostatitis, the tactics of the treatment of this disease is the following:
- The patient must comply with bed rest.
- The receipt of antibacterial agents.
- The taking of these drugs, which are capable of improving blood circulation.
- The receipt of analgesics, which are both able and eliminate the inflammation.

In this case, if the emptying of the bladder is impossible for you or can produce an abscess of the prostate, require a surgical procedure. Taking antibiotics is also necessary for the treatment. If the disease is in the acute form, and the symptoms of intoxication, it is worth taking the pill immediately, so that procrastination could be dangerous.
Preventive measures
In respect of the prevention of prostatitis, first of all, experts recommend to teach in the free time of not to lie down on the couch, and move. It is enough to simply take a walk or go to the shop. Also, men should give up bad habits, in particular tobacco, as well as the prostate, which is experiencing oxygen deprivation, during the time of smoking and does not receive necessary the rate of supply of blood. You need to reduce the amount of stress. It is important to teach to clean up all the negative thoughts out of your head, and have fun, for example, time spent with family or friends. Not worth it to launch its health, and to think — this does not concern me. Even slight hypothermia, which may not lead to the emergence of SARS, triggers the mechanism of development of inflammation of the prostate. If the vehicle is equipped with heated seats, you must include.
The structure and functions of the prostate
The prostate male spongy authority in the standard has little value. The picture of the prostate gland in men, a testament to its location: it is located in the central part of the basin in anastomosis of the canal ejaculatory duct and the urethra. Looks like inverted chestnuts. The anatomy of the structure, which is clearly visible on the photos:
- the top and the base.
- from the front, rear and nizhnevolga of the surface;
- the left and the right hand, on the isthmus, swale, which shares the gland into two halves.
Only 25% in the elastic request for information of the muscle fibers, and all the rest – on the glandular tissue. It is conventionally divided into certain areas:

- central – 25%;
- priphrique – 70%;
- transit or transition – 5%.
Depending on the age of the human dimensions of the prostate can vary. Thus, in the new-born, he is not the biggest pea, in the middle-aged men – 2x3x4 cm and a weight of about 20 g In the elderly, there is an age of involution, a body of reduced size. Despite the compact dimensions and indefinable view of the prostate gland (shown on the photo) performs in the body of the important functions, which, until now, until the end has not been studied.
- Product of the prostate secret, which thins the seminal fluid and ensures the vitality of the sperm.
- Stimulates the production of prostaglandins involved in the complex mechanism of the erection and the production of testosterone.
- Contributes to the formation of orgasm, and rapid evacuation of the semen from the urethra.
- On reflex level prevents the penetration of urine in the semen, or involuntary exit of the urethra.
The defeat of the glandular of the authority led to a complication of common in many processes, and the degradation of the physiological state and the emotional state of the man.
Prostatitis as prevalent for men of the disease
Prostatitis belongs to the category of urogenitalnih pathologies. Today, it is considered the most common and the most important "rejuvenated", in fact, in the risk group are men aged 25 to 55 years of age, at the climax of the sexual activity. Specialists distinguish several categories of the disease. The nature of the damage depends on the onset of puberty habitus of the patient:
- Among sexually active men, in the acute form of inflammation.
- In people of middle age and old age in the chronic form of prostatitis, adenoma (hyperplasia) or cancer (malignant tumor of cancer).
- People who have undergone a radiation (or other forms) of castration, complete atrophy of the authority.

In clinical medicine, there is a clear definition of the pathology. It is an inflammatory disease of the prostate of the nature, causes may be fungal, and the lesions infectious of the drain, at the age of process, as well as disorders associated with the depletion of the male body. Stunned by the prostate swells and increases in volume, tightening the urinary tract – the urethra. When this occurs, the main symptom of the disease, difficulty urinating. Prostatitis in men in the photo clearly show occurring beyond changes.
According to statistics, the prevalence rate of the disease class was the following image:
- acute – 5%;
- chronic bacterial – 10%;
- chronic abacterial – 80%;
- chronic asymptomatic the pelvic pain syndrome (cpps) – 5%.
The symptoms of the inflammation of the prostate
The total symptoms on the picture to specify what is prostatitis in men. The clinical manifestations in the acute form, and continued to differ materially. However, in both cases, the lack of treatment further compounds the problem, leading to the development of various complications. In order to identify the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to read the result of the contact.
The first signs of the disease
In spite of the multiplicity of symptoms, the prostatitis in men are characterized by signs shown on the photo, and that should alert.

- Sensations in the urethra: burning sensation, irritation, and pain.
- The increase of the temperature of the body.
- Pain in the lower belly.
- The weakening of the power.
- Increase the frequency of recommending to urinate.
The manifestations of acute and chronic form
Under common traits taken to involve a reaction, which indicate the development of inflammation in the body. The experts distinguish between the signs of the first resulting from a pathological process in the active phase of its current.
- The hyperthermia, and the degree of the temperature rise is directly dependent on the activation of inflammation. This symptom is characteristic, such as acute bacterial and viral prostatitis.
- Headaches, and fatigue.
- Chills. A feverish state is also revealing to the infectious form.
- Pain in the joints and muscles.
- Nausea, in some cases, ending in vomiting.
- A sharp pain in the groin, the perineum, aggravated during defecation.
- The brevity and urination, which brings no relief, and accompanied by a feeling of incomplete evacuation.
Late treatment or its absence leads to the chronicity of the process. At this stage, the symptomatology oiled or is expressed in the form:
- violation of urination;
- intermittent pain;
- the absence of sexual desire;
- depression, a prolonged depression;
- fatigue, weakness, headache, lack of appetite.

Despite the symptoms of chronic prostatitis requires treatment, on the photo, you can see what looks like the prostate during the terminal phase of the disease. The process of the disease over time leads to irreversible consequences, more and damage the tissue of the thyroid gland and disrupt its functions.
Now that you know everything about the disease of prostate cancer in men. Everyone needs a great attention to their health, in fact, men prostate cancer is a disease that must be treated with the consultation with the doctor. When this started form can lead to serious consequences.