Men do not like to go to the doctor. Why - who knows! If too busy to sit in the queue in front of a medical office, or simply afraid of people in white coats. Anyway, even if this a serious illness, as prostatitis, the stronger sex often prefer to treat yourself. This article is addressed primarily to fans of the house samobrazovaniya, and they will go on this issue, such as the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies.

What is prostatitis?
The prostate gland is called the second heart of the human being is an organism of small size, situated between lonna axial and the rectum. The inflammation of the prostate and a disease called prostatitis. Unfortunately, the disease is not so rare.
Medical sources say that in Russia, the number of men suffering from prostatitis, is from 35 to 70% of the population. Regions give different statistics. People suffering from this disease, about two-thirds is for physicians, the rest, apparently, try as much as possible to find out what is the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies, and try to cope with the disease internal.
The first symptoms
As we know, any disease is better to start treating at the beginning, not waiting until it passes into the chronic. If the man bothers episodic unpleasant sensations in the groin, in the area of the head of the penis and testicles, may be, what are the first signs of prostatitis. Also the representatives of the stronger sex needs to alarm of the so-called "syndrome of the last drop". It is involuntary and uncontrolled allocation of droplets of urine are sources of after urination has been completed during the seated.
Sometimes, prostatitis is manifested both in the acute form, and here it is signs impossible not to notice. The patient feels:
- acute, sharp pain in the groin, the perineum, the testicles and over the pubis;
- frequent, very painful and difficulty urinating;
- the feeling of the pain during defecation;
- fever to 38-39 °C;
- the weakening of erection;
- the weakness, the sweating, the total of bad mood.
If you consult a doctor, he will be able to make a diagnosis of prostatitis. The symptoms, treatment, and follow-up measures of prevention of the disease is not back again, all this is in direct link with each other.
The symptoms of a chronic form of the disease is very similar to acute, but it can still add significant weakening and deterioration of sensation and of the appearance of the flow of the urethra during defecation. The treatment of chronic prostatitis, like acute, it is better to entrust it to a doctor, urologist or andrologist.
The possible causes of the disease
The inflammation of the prostate can occur for many reasons. First of all, the pathology can be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi; secondly, the cause of the disease is often called the flow of secretions of the prostate and of the blood in the veins of this small organ, which may contribute to the non-sexual life.
Also the drain can be caused physical inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle, the port too close to the lingerie and the abuse of alcoholic beverages. In addition, hormonal disorders, deficiencies in the immune system, the presence of infective foci in the body, from which germs can penetrate into the prostate, - all this can cause of prostatitis. The symptoms (treatment of folk remedies may provide some relief, but will pluck up the problem) may be unpleasant, but the treatment in a timely manner with the help of a specialist increases the chances of recovery. Why samobrazovaniya is often ineffective? The fact that, without the analysis and diagnosis professional it is difficult to establish the true cause of the disease. Which means that, even after healing, it may come back. For those who because of certain circumstances, does not wish to resort to the help of doctors, below you will find the recipes of traditional medicine, which give the most good results in prostatitis.

Treatment candles with propolis
As is well known, propolis has powerful very antispasmodic and antibacterial. This is why the traditional medicine successfully uses this tool to the inflammation of the prostate. The treatment of prostatitis in men with the help of propolis is the use of tinctures, ointments and candles, prepared to its base.
Suppositories, while ensuring the ability to), you can easily make at home. To do this, he must take the pure extract of propolis in an amount of 0.1 g and 2 g of cocoa butter, mix the two ingredients and by hand to form a small candle. However, this is not the only recipe.
Here's another tip on the method of manufacture of suppositories: melt 200 grams of the grease base, adding of 40-60 g of crushed and propolis, mix well. When the mixture is homogeneous, add the wax, stir, give the mixture to stand, and then drain the liquid formed by top, leave to cool, cut the mass into pieces of 5 g and form them candles.
Suppositories need to insert in the anus every night before going to sleep. Duration of treatment - months. Then comes the break of 4 to 6 weeks, after which, again followed by a month of treatment. Only need to pass 3 courses. It is recommended to combine this treatment with the seizure inside of the healing of a mixture composed of 10 g of propolis and 90 g of honey. Take this composition need a tea spoon (three times per day) for a month.
The cream and liqueur-based propolis
Worked well for a popular treatment of prostatitis propolis tincture and ointment. For the firing of the last 30 g of propolis, mix well with olive oil or sunflower oil. To do better in a water bath. The received structure it is necessary to grease the area of the crotch in a period of 14 days.
Prepare a tincture is also difficult, in 96 % alcohol to dissolve the propolis in a ratio of 1:2 and in place of 2 weeks in the cool and dark. From time to time of the dye need to stir. At the end of this period, the infusion should be filtered. Now, you can proceed with a treatment. 30 to 40 drops of the tincture dissolves in milk or water and takes it for a half hour before the meal. On the course as a whole is relegated to a month. The press cake, which remains after filtration, throw down is not necessary - it is ideal for suppositories.
Tinctures, ointments and candles at the base of propolis to relieve the pain, reduces the size of the inflammation of the prostate, normalize the functions and the flow of urine, to improve the overall health of the sick person.
Treatment of prostatitis herbs and plants
Traditional medicine has used the healing power of various herbs in the treatment of very many diseases, and the prostatitis here is not an exception. There are a lot of plants, you can make decoctions and infusions that help the presence of this pathology. Here is their list:
- the persil;
- the chestnuts;
- hazel;
- wintergreen and wintergreen;
- calendula;
- the stinging nettle;
- fennel;
- yarrow;
- harrow field;
- the bearberry;
- cyanosis;
- adonis;
- the pumpkin.
From persil to prepare the juice, that is required to take a half-hour before meals tablespoon 3 times per day. Also good decoction of the seeds of this plant. The persil is quickly reduces inflammation and restores the sexual function.
In the treatment of chestnut trees not use the same core, and shells with needles. It is necessary to simply brew and drink tea instead. This drink is a very beneficial effect on the prostate.
The seeds of pumpkin can do at home treatment of prostatitis very effective! It is one of the most effective means, which was enjoyed by all the charlatan and the traditional healers. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc is a chemical element needed by any man. The whole, in the form of ground before meals or mixed with honey.
The use of decoctions of leaves and bark of hazel for the treatment of prostatitis is also a good option! These ingredients it is best to brew and to drink in its turn by a quarter cup 3-4 times a day. Relief must arrive within a week.
From the juice of elderberries, juice, persil, the peel of the chestnuts, broth bearberry, primrose and burdock root, you can make a great healing of the infusion. The taking of the drug must be in a period of two to three weeks, after this time, the symptoms of the disease begin to decrease. The cyanosis you can brew and drink the decoction of it, as in the chronicle, and when the prostatitis acute, and here, for example, adonis does not indicate that a chronic course of the disease. The two plants are better to brew fresh, that is to say, directly from the garden.

Treatment of prostatitis cures well supplemented by hydrotherapy. For this, you can do hot (above 43 degrees) of infant bath seat or warming of microclystères (up to 38 degrees). In the water, you can, and you must add the milk to the oil mixture and decoctions of succession, chamomile and sage. Important: during the acute phase of the disease hot baths can be harmful, before you do so, you must see a doctor.
Good soothing and relaxing to produce in common, in which the temperature does not exceed body temperature (36 degrees). Take them to be no more than 10-20 minutes. Valid and hot (41-43 degrees) bath - they are able to ease the pain during muscle contraction and act of during the excitement. Not necessarily need to ensure that the area of the heart was not covered with water! After the procedure, you need to take a cold shower to a comfortable temperature.
Processing of fruit juice
Juice therapy can also complement the treatment of prostatitis. The commentaries say about this method as very effective, but has some side effects. The fact that the juice, to the mixture, the recipe will be given below, actively contributes to the dissolution of rocks and sand in the kidneys and the gallbladder, and follow-up after their removal from the body, which may be accompanied by severe pain crises.
Now, let's get right to the recipe: it is necessary to prepare a mixture of beet, cucumber, carrot and fruit juice and drink this juice multivitamin a half a cup 3-4 times a day. The course of a few weeks. Very important: the beet juice to drink, you want to give him a few hours of rest.
The treatment of prostatitis in men is possible by using genoterapii. The main thing - to find a solution for the procedure of raw materials. The clay needs to search in a career, breaks up, because deep product has a greater biological activity, than superficial. A necessary tool, you can buy at the pharmacy. It is preferable to use the blue depth of the clay. It is necessary to soak them in a decoction or infusion of herbs until the consistency of very thick cream, and then form a cake thickness of 2-3 cm, and applying on the area of the prostate, to fix bandages. At the top, it is recommended to put a piece of woolen cloth, wrapped warmly in a blanket and lie down for 2 hours.
During this procedure, the patient may disturb a lot of pain, it is necessary to bear it. The presence of pain means that the clay works, and full purification. At the end of two hours, this cake may acquire an unpleasant odor, which speaks of a great number of toxins which it could derive from the body. Used clay you need to throw away, better yet, bury them in the ground. Note: after the procedure, you can not get out, the best is then to stay warm.
How to eat during prostatitis?
Do you need a way to follow a special diet in the treatment of prostatitis? The symptoms (for the treatment of this disease can not be called fast), you can help you greatly, if you eat correctly and avoid a number of harmful products from the diet. When the inflammation of the prostate should abandon smoked, and the delicious dishes they are! A variety of pickles, canned food, including animals of billets, also, need to remove the card. In addition, the ban applies to alcohol, radishes, radish, seasonings, pastries, sweets, coffee, tea. In regards to the garlic and onion, it is possible, but only in small quantities.
The patient prostatitis showed a varied diet, which includes milk products, cheese, nuts, sunflower seeds (especially pumpkin), lean meats and fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits. It is particularly important to consume foods containing zinc: legumes, liver, chicken, marine fish, a variety of seafood, grapefruits, apples, berries (raspberry, blackcurrant), honey, celery, beets, tomatoes, potatoes and other As you can see, the power supply can be very varied and delicious.
Useful tips
There are a wide variety of methods of treatment of prostatitis. Some of them have been described in this article. In addition, I would like to give a number of helpful tips that will help you during the inflammation of the prostate.
- You need to avoid hypothermia, and not only in the street, but also in the room.
- When the sitting on a chair need to compress the buttocks. If there is such a possibility, it is better not to sit and fend for themselves.
- The prostate is useful to massage, because it is not irrigated by the blood. It is worth to do 1 or more times per week. To do this, the anus by inserting a finger. The most convenient is, squatting.
- After the toilet may be using a small syringe, enter it in the rectum of the infusion of chamomile - it very well relieves inflammation.
Chronic prostatitis may occur in waves, with improvements, and this situation sometimes lasts for years. The period of remission may be falsely interpreted a man as a complete cure, at this time, the inflammatory process is able to quietly spread through the urinary system. As you know, to no good result. So that when the first suspicion on the inflammation of the prostate, is the best possible to consult a doctor. These words is not an attempt to scare, and the desire to help in the healing of this period of the disease, such as prostatitis. Be in good health!