Itself, the prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate). The iron is located below the bladder, optiva urethra. And the slightest inflammation of the prostate gland, starts to increase, as well peredelyvala urinary channels. As a result of what you are having problems with the hike in the toilet and in severe pain. Very often, the prostatitis occurs in men after 30-35 years. Approximately 80% of older men, to a certain extent suffer from this disease. Also, now 30% of young guys 20 to 30 exposed to this disease. In this article, we describe in detail: how to identify the first symptoms of prostatitis, how to diagnose the disease and that you need to do first, after the confirmation of the diagnosis.

The symptoms of prostatitis
How to manifest the prostatitis? Doctors usually emit 6 signs announcing the prostatitis. If a man has noticed him, at least 2 feature of this list, to him it is necessary to consult a doctor:
- Weakly falling to the bottom, the jet of urine with a small scope;
- Obstructed points during urination;
- The phenomena of a disease in the process of urination;
- The duration of urination, water splashing urine, a discontinuity of the jet;
- The partial emptying of the bladder;
- Frequent urination, especially in the dark.
The doctor will always be able to identify the first symptoms of prostatitis in men, and treatment after diagnosis will be conducted in a timely manner, with a positive result.
The reasons for the appearance of the pathology
The experts say that the reasons for the education of the disease:
- The weakening of the immunity – reduction of the barriers of protection which prevent the onset of many viral infections;
- The infectious disease process the viral elements, the germs, the bacteria through the blood or the lymphatic channels fall in the prostate. The characteristic of this phenomenon – the temperature when the prostatitis is improved;
- A sedentary life-style causing problems in the blood supply, deprivation of oxygen;
- The failures in the bloodstream due to the flow of the moments in the genital area – occurs because of a disorder of the sexual life, a long abstinence from sex, irregular sexual intercourse.
Prostate inflammation can start due to the penetration of microbes, but also for the development of the infection need the microflora pathogen, which can be created due to the following factors – the presence of harmful addictions, constipation, hormonal disturbances, injury, hypothermia, and td.
The main cause of prostatitis in men, you can call:
- Hormonal disorders — there is a version that reinforced the production of testosterone.
- Adverse effect on the tissue of the prostate, it causes proliferation and inflammation. Not less dangerous and a failure, which weakens the function of the genito-urinary tract.
- Violations of the immune status — when the body works "at the limit", it reduces the protection functions. It is not capable of resisting bacteria and viruses that enter into it from outside or can not do with relapses of chronic process.
- Passive, the sexual life of the man, having irregular intimate relationships suffers from a drain of the phenomena that lead to inflammation.
- Poorly chosen tactics of sexual contact — is not a secret that a lot of couples as a contraceptive method's practice of coitus interruptus. They do not represent that, in so doing, hinder the flow of sperm. In addition, following the ASP is broken the unsubscribe mechanism and of blood, which rushes actively to the pelvic organs and helps maintain the full erection.
- A sedentary lifestyle men leads to the flow.
- The urethra, reflux occurs on the background of the lesion of the urethra. When the violation of the mechanism of counter-flow of the urine, one part is to be found in the seeds of the way and produced a bacterial infection of the prostate.
- Disorders of diet, if the food is this bad food, with a predominance of animal fats and the deficiency in protein and fiber, which affects the hormones and supplements the work of the intestine.
- Passion excessive physical exercises, in particular with the application of steroids.
- Hypothermia will lead to a reduction of the immunity and the development of the flora of the pathogen.
- Disorder of the sexual life increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted infections in men often takes place hidden, in doing so, hitting the prostate tissue. According to the studies, in 78% of cases, the cause of the inflammation, directly or indirectly, are trichomonas, chlamydia, giardinelli, gonococci.

The prostate has its own defense mechanism: it produces a secretion that has antibacterial properties. But if you have aggressive pathogens, unable to cope with the load and inflamed. The men of the active of childbearing age (18-50 years old) are most often acute and prostatitis. On average, the main causes of prostatitis economic a sedentary lifestyle, hypothermia, and intermittent sex life. It is in this period a process is acute, the symptoms that are not taken into account, have not started the treatment in a timely manner, has all the chances to pass to the chronic. For the population of male aged over 50 years is characterized by three pathological processes of the prostate:chronic prostatitis, the adenoma and adenocarcinoma. In this case, shows the surgical treatment in a complex with hormone therapy, and other methods.
The symptoms of the pathology
How to manifest the prostatitis? Significant symptoms suggestive of an aspect of the prostatitis – painful process of urination, the pain in this moment. Urination frequent evacuation of the bladder in small portions, demonstrates the evolution of the pathology. The early stages of the pathology can be asymptomatic. The acute forms of the disease to determine much easier the manifestation of the disease is always sudden, dramatic. It is necessary to take into account the development of the disease is due to individual characteristics of the organism of each individual.
There are symptoms of inflammation of the prostate:
- The pain in the region of the perineum;
- The process of defecation is accompanied by painful crises;
- The abuses of power;
- Frequent need to urinate;
- A general malaise;
- The sensation of the overpopulation of the bladder;
- Elimination phenomenon of the urethra in the process of defecation.
The pain crises during the development of the pathology
Pain in prostatitis in men are not mirrored by the exact location. In the absence of a process of treatment of the pain of the seizures have increased, spreading to other genital organs. When the execution conditions occur, the development of the acute phase of the disease, adenoma of the. Regularly painful crises lead to uncomfortable mode of life, the development of the neurosis of the male sex, degrades the quality of life.
Typically, the pain occur in the following points:
- In the process of urination;
- During the erection;
- During sexual intercourse;
- On the completion of the sexual act;
- In the process of defecation;
- Due to the long abstinence or, on the contrary, disordered sexual relations;
- After hypothermia;
A lower area of the back is beginning to hurt, when the pathology develops outside of the prostate. The pain of the seizures or the girl, or sharp. By reason of the negligence of the painful condition able to last a long time. Also the pathology in the area of the prostate are characterized by obtuse or sharp painful crises in the region of the groin, rarely in the leg.
The elimination of pain is possible through the following methods:

- The prostate massage;
- The herbal medicine treatment;
- The hormonal methods to cure the pathology;
- A special scheme for the normalization of the status of the person;
- Antibacterial ways to remove the harmful elements;
- The use of blockers to have with relief effect during urination.
The symptoms of prostatitis
- At high temperature;
- Severe pain in the perineum, the groin, above the pubes;
- The pain during urination;
- A bad state of health;
- A decrease of activity and al
When the chronic prostatitis the clinical picture is most often erased. The symptoms may be absent at all. This is why, in this case, an essential role to play prevention of inspection, the purpose of which is the identification of the following the inflammation of the prostate.
The symptoms of chronic prostatitis
- The emergence and fast enough through the pain to the perineum and the region of the groin, about the pubis;
- The decrease in sexual desire (libido);
- The change of the duration of the sexual act (in some cases, rapid ejaculation, in others an extension of the sexual act);
- The change of the nature of sexual sensations (reduction of the brightness of the orgasm);
- The appearance of the flow of the urethra, especially in the morning (prostatorrhea).
Diagnostic measures
The doctor can identify the symptoms of prostatitis in men and its treatment in a timely manner is assigned. For the determination of the prostatitis, you should consult with by the urologist, who will keep the inspection and to appoint other important points of the diagnostic procedure:
- Review of medical writing of all clinical work;
- The taking of the samples of urine;
- Essay on the identification of STDS;
- Detection of the presence or absence of infection, is removed from the urethra;
- Analysis of the ejaculate;
- The ULTRASOUND of the genital organs;
- Urography;
- Biopsy – in cases of suspicion of cancer of the phenomenon.

The means of treatment of prostatitis
That to cure this pathology? At the end of the diagnosis of the disease, the doctor determines the scheme of treatment of the pathology, is generally used an integrated approach, composed of the following elements:
- Antibacterial therapeutic means specialist refers to the course of medication, including antibiotics to eliminate harmful trace elements, have led to the prostatitis. They lower the temperature;
- Physiological impact, for example, by means of a laser, ultrasound, electromagnetic balancing.
- Uses the traditional methods of treatment hot baths therapeutic herbal;
- Massage product in the area of the prostate, it releases the duct flow, increases the blood circulation to the sexual organs;
- Herbal medicine – the consumption of herbal teas, healthy, herbal medicine, dietary supplements helps to strengthen the immune system, fight against infection;
- Psychotropic means – because of the prostatitis in men develop negative psychological problems, loss of confidence, appear the fears during sexual intercourse;
- The surgical methods of treatment are applied during the execution and stages severe development of the pathology, for example, an abscess of the prostate;
- The adjustment of the immune system – the doctor may prescribe the receipt of certain vitamins, minerals, trace elements useful for strengthening the immune system of the patient;
- Balanced, good nutrition during of prostatitis, the refusal of alcohol, tobacco, fatty foods, limiting salt intake, drink more normal water – at least 2 litres per day.
When the time developed the treatment of prostatitis can occur a number of complications, characterized by:
- an obstruction of the bladder to a severe delay urination, requiring surgical treatment method;
- the passage of prostatitis the acute phase to chronic;
- the development of a form of male infertility;
- cystitis-recurrent;
- contraction, scarring of the urethra;
- patients with pyelonephritis, other pathologies of the kidney;
- an abscess of the prostate, requiring surgical intervention;
- sepsis, threatening the patient's life (this are the most vulnerable patients with a weakened immune system, diabetes, renal insufficiency).
It is important to know! The pathology may lead to cancer of the prostate (as seen in 7% of men over 50 years of age), which seriously worsen the lives of men, and lead to death.
What appears to be the disease
Prostatitis has several species, some of the causes of the onset of the disease.
The main factors triggering aspect of the prostatitis, the following:

- The infection. The bacteria enter the prostate, in different ways and manners. Young men having sex without contraception (condoms), have a high risk of disease due to the penetration of pathogens (chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.). In addition, the emergence of prostatitis occurs as a result of any internal chronic diseases. The harmful bacteria that reach the prostate with the flow of the lymph or the blood. The micro-organisms can also be "down" in the prostate and urethra. The disease is caused the diseases of the urinary system (urethritis, patients with pyelonephritis) in one of the immunity.
- Process stagnant. They manifest in obesity, sedentary mode of life, such as the microcirculation of blood in the pelvic organs is disturbed. To the prostate as a result of it does not reach the right amount of oxygen and nutrients.
- Injury. Due to the mechanical damage of the tissue and of the pelvic organs (OMT) may occur in the flow, causing an inflammation. Such cases often occur among truck drivers in force of the professional activity, associated with long-term sedentary position and of the constant personal injury of a chair, an attacker of the UNWTO.
The opinion of physicians. Urologists are sure that the prostatitis is not a life of diagnosis. If the treatment was not given quick results, the man should not give up and think about this fact-it absolutely all the requirements. Only actions of cooperation and the efforts of the physician and the patient, confident in the success of the therapy, helping a person feel in good health, and therefore, full-fledged.