Treatment of prostatitis cures animals in two cases: as a complement to a course of medications when the acute form of the inflammation and as maintenance therapy chronic. An important condition for the effectiveness of the methods - an application, observance of modes of feeding and motor activity.
The benefits of traditional medicine
Traditional recipes treatment of prostatitis are based on the application of natural ingredients containing materials bioactive. With their help, you can solve the following problems:
- Colorazione, the intensification of metabolic processes in the prostate (can be dangerous if calculous prostatitis), the diuretic effect, which contributes to the removal of the edema and the improvement of urination;
- Antibacterial effects on the urinary system;
- The recovery of the cells of the prostate (regenerating);
- The stimulation of local immunity of the gland (amplification of the immune response to fight against pathogens);
- Improvement of the erection and the quality of the seminal fluid.
Folk remedies for the correct application of safe and cost you considerably less ready to of food supplements.
The products of beekeeping
The products of beekeeping are used in the composition of many drugs for the treatment of various forms of prostatitis. The antiseptic and immune properties are recognized not only in traditional medicine but the official. You can buy them through the sites private beekeepers or seasonal nest fairs. The exact dosage and recommendations upon receipt of each case, of prostatitis can give the apitherapeutic.
Propolis – the resin of the wood of the kidneys, enriched by the secret of the bees glands. The main property antimicrobial. Remedies from propolis inhibit the activity of the streptococci and staphylococci, which often cause prostatitis bacterial. The substance has also expressed analgesic, metabolic (increases the speed of metabolic processes) and anti-inflammatory.
When the prostatitis propolis, apply in the following forms:
- The tincture. The proportions: 5 g of propolis 50 ml of vodka. Insist two weeks. Take half teaspoon (diluted in a glass of warm water) every morning for a month.
- Candles. Weight 7 g gel in the freezer, chop. Melt 100 g of goat fat (it may take a badger, bear), mixed with propolis, slightly cool, form of candles. Insert in the rectum of the night for two weeks. When the chronic prostatitis courses repeat every two months.
- Oil. Recipe: 200 ml of any vegetable oil oil bring almost to a boil to dissolve 30 g of propolis, keep stirring constantly in a water bath, until the solution becomes homogeneous. The oil is the result of the night grease the area between the testicles and anus, you can also enter the rectum-impregnated gauze swabs. The course of treatment of the exacerbation of the prostatitis months with seven days a two-week break.

Propolis can store up to 10 years, but the treatment of prostatitis is best to use fresh.
Perga – pollen, impregnated by the saliva of the bees. Take a month of classes, then a month and a half break. At perge, a lot of the vitamins and oligo-elements, that is why there is a risk of hypervitaminosis. When the chronic prostatitis the dosage is half a teaspoon twice a day for half an hour before meals. Dissolve under the tongue. Drinking is not necessary. When the prostatitis acute to take the full teaspoon twice a day.
Stocker ambrosia better in the refrigerator or in a mixture with honey. In the contrary case, it is quickly musty.
A sample
A dry sample of the bees who die of natural death, which the beekeepers spring drain of the hives. They contain a large number of geparinoterapii of substances that contribute to the reduction of the mass of the prostate, for the normalization of urination and blood pressure.
Very effective in the prostatitis − bee a sample in the form of tincture. For cooking, there should be: a half-liter of the bank with a échantillonet, 1.5 litres of vodka, 0.4 l propolis tincture, a two-liter of the bank and of the coffee grinder. Recipe:
- Dissolve the sample in a coffee grinder and pour into an empty container.
- Add the propolis tincture, vodka, mix.
- Put in a dark place for three weeks. Every two days restless.
Tincture to take at the chronic prostatitis, the adenoma. Course: two tablespoons in the morning and in the evening, until the drug is not complete.
Herbal medicine
Medicinal herbs and other raw materials for the treatment of prostatitis using herbal medicine, you can assemble it yourself or buy it in the pharmacies.
The most delicious and valuable tool is a mixture of pumpkin seeds and honey (1:1 ratio). Consume need before meals three times per day. Ideal as a main background of the therapy of prostatitis: nourishes the body with vitamins, and it has antiseptic effects on the blood, provides the prostate zinc.
The application of ginger for the treatment of prostatitis the factors of properties:
- Krivorozhye;
- Antiseptic;
- Stimulant of the digestion;
- Antispasmodic.
It should be noted that the ginger is in conflict with diabetes medication, and when the frequency of consumption may increase the blood pressure.
The recipe for dye of prostatitis: 20 g of grated on a grater with large holes root, pour 150 grams of vodka for 2 weeks in a dark place. Ready to the infusion, drink 7 drops twice a day for half an hour before meals for one month.
Prevent the aggravation of the chronic prostatitis will help to loaf of honey. The recipe: grate 350 g of root, mix with 170 g of honey. There are two teaspoons per day.
Onion skin
The onion contains more trace-elements, vitamins and the production of volatile agents (anti-infective), in the follicle. When the prostatitis lugs apply to the following properties:
- Erection enhancement, increase libido.
- The elimination of the constipation.
- The treatment of inflammation of the urinary tract.
- The elimination of toxins.
- The stimulation of the blood circulation.
- Mild diuretic effect.
For the treatment of prostatitis apply to several types:
- Dye: shredded lugs pour the alcohol (ratio 1:5), let infuse during 10 days, drain. Drink a teaspoon per day;
- Infusion: two tablespoons of lugs pour two cups of boiling water, heat in a bain-marie for 15 minutes, for 5 hours. Drink one teaspoon three times per day;
- The broth: pour the peel with cold water (ratio 1:10), pokipyatit 20 minutes, leave to cool. Drink a half cup twice a day.
The rate of receipt of funds on onion skinning, when prostatitis is of two weeks.
The bark of aspen
In a grove of aspens the cortex contains substances that thin the blood, analgesic and antipyretic, to provide a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory impact on the genito-urinary system. With the wood bark remove of the layer is not more than 5 mm at the end of march — beginning of April. When the prostatitis apply in the form of decoction (effective against aureus and pseudomonas aeruginosa).
The recipe: a tablespoon of raw materials, pour a glass of water, pokipyatit for three minutes, for one hour, then drain. When the prostatitis take 20 minutes before meals, a quarter cup.

The persil has anti-inflammatory and diuretic, normalizes the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, improves the tone of the bladder and of the intestine. The decoction to relieve the symptoms of prostatitis and interstitial cystitis, relieves swelling, normalizes blood pressure.
Recipe: 20 g of greens, pour a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool and drain. Take a quarter cup three times a day for a month.
The chestnut
An effective means of preventing relapse of chronic prostatitis is the bark of the horse chestnut. In addition to the active ingredients in the fruit. The preparations based on horse chestnut effective for thinning the blood, contribute to the decay of swelling, have a slight analgesic effect.
The dyeing of the skin: measure out 25 g of pods chestnut − fill the pyatidesyatimetrovoy glass, gently pour on the edges of vodka, put it on two weeks in a dark place. After drain, squeeze through cheesecloth, dilute 150 g of water. Take 10 drops twice a day for weeks and a half.
Decoction: remove the zest from two of the chestnuts fresh, pour a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, leave to infuse until cool. Drink a third of a cup twice a day on an empty stomach. When the prostatitis acute – a glass.
Garlic maintains the bactericidal and krivorozchskiy properties. Particularly effective when the failure of the form of prostatitis. Recipes:
- Oil: the head of garlic grate, mix 100 ml of vegetable oil, to remove it in the refrigerator for two weeks. Drink a teaspoon once per day with meals.
- Infusion: six cloves crushed, pour 400 ml of hot water (not boiling) water, leave to cool, then stir and leave for another five hours. Take a month two times a day for 100 g.
- With honey: in a blender, a grater or a mill to grind half of the onion, the teeth of a whole head of garlic, all mixed with 250 ml of honey. Take a tablespoon once a day for two weeks.
The gastrointestinal discomfort reception of garlic funds stop.
The brush red
This plant is a powerful adaptogen (boosts the body's defenses), improves the blood, increases the tone overall, has a bactericidal effect. When prostatitis can be consumed as a tea or collection:
- The root of elecampane, red brush and the angelic;
- The flowers of calendula;
- The leaf swimsuit plantain, alchémille and clover;
- The fruits of cranberry and cilantro.
Mix all ingredients in equal quantities, take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The collection, infuse for 8 hours. Drink 80 ml three times per day for 6 weeks.
Red root

The application of red root (himself a bear, gold, or sainfoin spain) at the prostatitis factors of properties:
- Relieves spasms of the blood vessels, relaxes smooth muscles.
- Stimulates the production of prostatic secret.
- Increases the blood circulation.
- It stabilizes the hormones.
The recipe for decoction: two tablespoons roots pour a liter of boiling water, leave to infuse for an hour. Drink before eating a third of a cup. To avoid the nausea recommended to drink milk. Take the broth may be a year and a half to two weeks.
When the prostatitis fennel is useful for its diuretic, carminative, antispasmodic properties. The purpose of therapeutic apply a decoction of the seeds, a tablespoon, pour a glass of water, bring to the boil for three hours. Take half a cup twice a day for a week.
To remove the symptoms of the aggravation of prostatitis will help in the collection:
- The harrow and the juniper berries (3. c.);
- Lemon balm, horsetail, bark of buckthorn (1. c.);
- Fennel seeds (1 tablespoon).
Collection pour 500 ml of water, bring to the boil for two hours. Drink 100 ml twice a day.

The burdock root
The burdock root when the prostatitis is applied as a diuretic, general tonic and accelerates the metabolism of the tool. The decoction can promote the cleansing of the intestine decreases the concentration of inflammatory of the catalysts in the blood.
Recipe: 10 g of root, pour a glass of water, about 10 minutes, then the mixture on a water bath, then drain them, cool. Evaporated the amount of make-up water. Drink a half cup two times a day before meals for two weeks.
The juice of celandine toxic (used in homeopathy). The impacts manifest that in the reasonable consumption of small doses. Relieves the symptoms of prostatitis through pain medication, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Celandine contains a lot of zinc, calcium, potassium, selenium, vitamin c, carotene.
The recipe: a teaspoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. Take a teaspoon of fasting, three times a day. If in the course of the week of a negative reaction on the part of the organization does not appear, then the dose may be increased up to a tablespoon, and extend the rate on 10 to 14 days.
The black cumin
The oil of black cumin seeds, updates the composition of the blood, inhibits the development of intestinal infections (which are often the cause of chronic prostatitis), strengthens the immune system, improves erectile function, relieve.
When the prostatitis, it is used in the following manner:
- Each evening, knead the butter with the back of the lower back to the tail bone, as well as the region of the groin testicles to the anus.
- Every day for two weeks of drinking the mixture: in a glass of water, dissolve a teaspoon of honey, oil, cumin, chamomile flowers dried for an hour, drain.
The oil of black cumin is especially useful for men suffering from diabetes.
Aloe vera is a powerful makes bio-stimulating, so it can not be used inside by the sign of the expansion of the tissues of the prostate (hyperplasia). The sap of the plant has expressed bactericidal and regenerating of the impact.
The recipe: a tablespoon of aloe juice and mix with a tablespoon of honey. Consume each day on an empty stomach for a month. You can combine it with the taking of antibiotics for the prostatitis acute.

Turmeric is a popular seasoning, the use of which when chronic prostatitis is caused by the presence in the composition bioactive a substance called curcumin. It is a natural antibiotic and a powerful antioxidant that suppresses inflammation at the molecular level. Turmeric has an analgesic impact.
When the prostatitis seasoning, you can add tea (half a teaspoon per cup), dissolve under the tongue three times per day, a third of a teaspoon over a period of 10 days. At the beginning of treatment, may be the sensation of heat and a burning sensation in the region of the prostate.
Wormwood has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory, but have to take medicines on a base of more than one month, renal insufficiency, disorder of the nervous system).
When the prostatitis acute drink dry chopped herbs. The first three days following the onset of symptoms need to swallow a pinch of every three hours (at night too), a drink of water. In the four days swallow 5-6 grains, the night of the reception is cancelled.
Treatment of prostatitis, you can supplement the enemas with the decoction: two tablespoons of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, hour insist. The washing is carried out in the course of the week.
Collection herbal
The network actively sold remedy herbal collection herbal from dubious products market. Its rich composition is really ideal for the treatment of prostatitis: the reed marsh, the st. john's wort, the Orchis, rosehip, burdock, nettle, peony, buds of birch, persil, fireweed, ginseng.
All components can be purchased at a pharmacy, mix in equal proportions and brewed as a tea by an ordinary (that is cheaper). When the prostatitis need to drink two cups per day.
The cranberry accumulates a large amount of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, organic acids, antioxidants. The bay strengthens the general immunity, literally disinfects the urinary organs eliminates inflammation, relaxes the smooth muscles.
Cranberries can be consumed in any form during the chronic, and during of prostatitis acute. Better to use fresh from the bay, but useful substances are well-kept and frozen.
Mountain of resin
The substance of organic origin, formed in the crevices of the rocks (the"mountain of tears"). Sold in pharmacies in the form of lumps, plates, or dyes.
The recipe in the treatment of prostatitis: 10 g of the substance to be dissolved in a liter of water, and consume two times per day for 50 g of Mode of receipt: 10 days from the receipt is interrupted with three days of rest, and then again 10 days of receipt.
Physiotherapy is an important component of the treatment of prostatitis. Some traditional methods used in the home, do not give in on the effectiveness of medical procedures.
Coniferous bath
Coniferous bath recognized medicine official cure for prostatitis. In the course of the procedure can be produced a major strengthening of the blood circulation, relaxation of the smooth muscle. Eliminated the pain, the swelling of the prostate gland, its ducts, displays of toxic substances.
For procedures more adapted to needles of pines, junipers, or cedar. Stocker its best in winter, when the concentration of nutrients is maximized. First of all, you must prepare a concentrate: a glass of pine needles, pour a liter of boiling water, bring to the boil for 2 hours, pour into a warm bath. Lie down in the bath is not more than 15 minutes.
The birch tar
The birch tar effectively treats the pathology uro-genital and urinary tract. When the prostatitis uses as follows:
- Preheat the companion by a regular (not refractory, not silicate) brick-red;
- Put it in the empty iron bucket;
- Pour over the brick 2-3 drops of tar;
- Wrap the edges of the bucket with a soft towel and sit on him.
A pair of birch tar will be for the warming of the prostate and penetrate its fabric. 5 to 7 minutes, a burning sensation becomes too strong, therefore, the procedure stops (avoid burning the skin). It is necessary to pass from 2 to 3 sessions every day mode day by day for two weeks.
The peat-mud, clay,
Mud – an effective way of treatment of prostatitis. The mud with the bottom of the basins contain a large number of bioactive substances, stimulate the blood circulation and regenerative tissue.
The mud of peat taken from the bottom of the swamp. They are rich in minerals and hydrogen sulfide. When the prostatitis apply in the form of apps or rectal swabs. In the first case, a preheated oven of dirt, you need to put on the area between the scrotum and the anus, cover with a food film above to cover with a towel. The procedure takes about 15 minutes. Only need 20 procedures carried out daily.
When rectal introduction of the mud act actively, in fact by dipping directly into the prostate. For the introduction of the need of the syringe of 200 ml of Slightly heated mud is injected into the anus in prone position on the side. The procedure lasts an hour, and then the dirt is washed using a syringe.
When the prostatitis are useful appliques with blue clay, which overlap each other like mud. The procedure lasts an hour, and then the clay is rejected. When the treatment of chronic prostatitis spend 7 to 8 sessions per day.
Saling hot – a kind of view of the house of the physiotherapy. When the prostatitis acute purulent does not apply.
For the procedure, you need the usual large salt. You must prepare a ten percent of the hot solution, soaking up their towel, wring it out and apply on the area of the prostate. Sitting on the towel can be 30 to 50 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a day for a week.
The main measures of prevention of prostatitis:
- Cleaning the ducts of the prostate: physical activity, strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor regular sexual relations.
- Take care of vases: the nutrition, quitting smoking.
- Regular cleaning of the intestine (not to avoid the constipation).
- The elimination of foci of inflammation: the timely treatment of STDS, caries, tonsillitis, fungal infections.
For the prevention of exacerbations of chronic prostatitis to give up alcohol (even a glass of beer can enhance the inflammation), does not get cold, do not overload the prostate prolongs the sex (the use of different techniques of postponement of ejaculation).
"After the treatment of prostatitis antibiotics remained regularly worsening of the discomfort in the perineum. Doctors no longer went to, recover turmeric. Taken by a third of a teaspoon up to 10 times per day. It is a bit much, but I helped this is the kind of mode".
"At the slightest sign of discomfort in the prostate wood stain to the bee, a submarine, and I hdle propolis (a piece the size of a fingernail) it all happens. The spring and autumn uses of the dye course in two weeks for prevention.
The time of onset of the effect of the application of the popular methods depends on the type of tool used, the stage of prostatitis, the presence of comorbidities. On average, the symptoms disappear after two weeks. The traditional methods do not replace drug treatment, the result of their use, it is desirable to regularly monitor through ULTRASOUND.