Prostatitis is the enemy of the health of men, able to deprive them of the essential: the power, the male force. Many men afraid to hear the doctor's diagnosis, this is why as soon as the first signs of unease prefer to tolerate the sensations that are uncomfortable. It is a mistake. Its consequences can cost a man of health, as well as the possibility of having children and a normal sex life with a partner. The sooner the treatment, the greater the chances of getting rid of this disease without a trace, and the unpleasant consequences, which can be very serious. One of these consequences – the cancer of the prostate. In addition, the delays started the treatment is not so bad.
Men often neglect annual gatherings of the medical examinations of the urologist. According to the data of many statistical studies, it is systematic by a doctor helps men prevent prostatitis and its complications, as well as quickly cure the disease in the case of its occurrence.
At what age to begin regular checks to the doctor? Prostatitis (including chronic) today – common disease. The disease and the patients economic youngest. The alarming figures of the age of the sick men varies from 30 to 60 years. The older the man, the greater the risk is high. The stress, intermittent of the sexual life, frequent change of partners, bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle and a poor diet, infections – the causes of the disease of prostatitis.
The diagnosis

How to treat prostatitis in men, without causing complications? As soon as the first signs of the disease, you should without delay consult a doctor. A man may feel an increase in body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, problems with urination. An investigation into the conditions of the hospital can help you identify the form of the disease, after which the doctor will take care of the selection of the right patient to the treatment. In the diagnosis of prostatitis is a complex simple for the provider procedures, thanks to which it can accurately and quickly determine treatment options.
The patient is not to be afraid of medical errors in the diagnostic methods. They are so rare that this issue doesn't exist, even the statistics. Any imprecision, inaccuracy, or error – it is, rather, the margin of error, which is not worth to take them into account. The doctors do not make mistakes in the diagnosis and appointment of adequate treatment.
At the time of diagnosis, the patient may experience some discomfort, avoid that which is impossible. What are the diagnostic procedures, which, however, can help properly and quickly establish the right diagnosis and cure the disease.
The steps of diagnosis of prostatitis
The first stage of the general examination of the patient, the collection of analyses. Then, it should be digital rectal examination of the prostate using a guided method. After the analysis is done, the urologist takes to the study of the fluid of the prostate glands. If the patient suffers from the acute form of the disease, the closing of the secret will be very painful. The secret enters the laboratory where are carried out the tests necessary to define the form of the disease, its form, which may be of bacterial origin, or infectious). The task of the doctor – the identification of infection-the pathogen and to determine its drug resistance. The biological material is exposed to an individual's search, which determines the degree of sensitivity to drugs, the effect of different methods of treatment. Such an approach allows not only an effective treatment, but less long.

If there is a need to survey finger method adds an ULTRASOUND. The ultrasound is performed in one of two ways: through the lower part of the abdomen or the rectum. The first method is called trans-abdominal. ULTRASONOGRAPHY through the abdominal wall for the patient, painless. Not visually examine the prostate gland, pass a screening for diagnosis. The second method is called – trans-rectal.
For a doctor, it is more effective and is a lot more information than an ULTRASOUND of the prostate through the abdomen. The medicine provides to patients of the 2 methods ULTRASOUND, because each of them has its own characteristics. When the trans-rectal study, the doctor has the opportunity in more detail and to study in detail of the prostate, as well as the slightest changes in its tissues. Using the latest technology, the medicine can offer the patient a painless ultrasound. Many men, this method can be scary, but it is not to be feared. During the procedure, the doctor applies a variety of substances which deplete the sensitive tissues of the rectum. After the procedure, the patient may feel a small discomfort in the anus, that does not last more than a day. This survey is mandatory if the form of the disease – the chronic prostatitis.
Prostatespecific antigen
The DOG is a liquid, released from the prostate. If its levels in the body greatly increases the, physician has good reason to suspect the patient of prostatitis or other diseases of the excretory system and the genital organs. This blood test allows to make the treatment of prostatitis most effective. Normally the PSA – 4 unit 1 ml, the Doctors recommend to make this analysis simple of men, whose age of 50 years and more. With the help of this screening method the diagnosis, the doctor determines the effectiveness of a treatment.
The methods of treatment

The treatment of the disease, whatever its form, is the same pattern. The chronic prostatitis in the phase of exacerbation is treated almost the same methods as the infection at a stage of its development.
Choose the right therapy guarantees a complete cure of the disease, subject to the observance by the patient of the treatment prescribed (cancellation of severe physical activity, diet, lack of omissions in medication). The chronic prostatitis passes in a phase of remission, which, when the requisite conditions are fulfilled, it is sufficient to long-term.
Treatment anti-bacterial
Only a doctor can choose drugs for the treatment of the disease. The choice is made on the basis of the results of the analyses. If the medicines are selected properly, the infection is drug-resistant. Prostatitis acute goes to chronic. Not necessarily need to inform the doctor about medications taken by a patient before the start of the course of antibacterial therapy. On this depends the effectiveness of the medication, the duration of follow-up of remission.
The duration of therapy can exceed 3 weeks. At the onset of the first signs to facilitate the we can't stop taking antibiotics, changing the dose and the scheme of the reception. Mandatory compliance with the requirements of the doctor is the guarantor of the success of the healing. The treatment can take place in a hospital. Generally, this happens when the patient is sick, severe, acute. Is detoxification, the doctor may prescribe pain killers.
Other medicines for the treatment of prostatitis

The sooner the treatment is lasting a cumulative effect of the drug in the tissues of the body, as well as their impact on the disease. In mixtures presents a complex of beneficial properties which is combined with the action. In the medications include vitamins, herbal extracts, medicinal plant extracts, trace elements, carotenoids.
The components included in the medicine, let to the emergence of new foci of inflammation, neutralize, already available inflammatory sites, inhibit the growth of prostate cells. Also receive data of drugs gives the opportunity to strengthen the functions of the body, improve the resistance of germs pathogenic on the subject.
At the time of taking the medication, there is an increase in the volume of the ejaculate, as well as the improvement of its quality. The sperm economic assets. A variety of pain that the patient can feel during urination, the sexual act, disappear. For the treatment has been particularly effective to begin to advance.
Therapy local action
The procedures of physiotherapy are helping the prostate tissue to recover more quickly, speeding up the healing. The following methods are used in physical therapy: hyperthermia, laser therapy, phonophorèse sonication.
The candles
The effectiveness of suppositories due to their quick action. The substances quickly enter directly in the focus of inflammation, without going through a long journey through the digestive tract, the blood vessels. Their largest concentration can quickly relieve the pain, cramps, inflammation, to remove the infection. Often, the doctor prescribed suppositories and to avoid the chronic prostatitis, as well as to the prophylaxis of this disease in general.
The prostate massage

This method has a beneficial effect on the prostate. Cure prostatitis without stimulation of prostate tissue is very difficult. With the help of touch massage is the issuance of the flow into the tissues of the secretion of liquid. The massage allows you to squeeze the liquid of the prostate and then out through the urine, which present some channels. Massage treatments are prescribed by a physician to improve the effectiveness of the therapy.
In some forms of the prostatitis and other diseases, massage is contraindicated. The pressure on the gland leads to the fluid in the action, which can be the cause of the spread in the body of the infection. The acute forms of prostatitis, the procedure is not carried out. Massage can be a cause of the onset of pain in patients, but an effective impact on the male body does not waive this procedure.
The improvement of the immunity
Low immunity – the cause of many diseases. The chronic prostatitis is not an exception. Patients suffering from inflammatory diseases, must undergo the procedure corrective of immunity. It is necessary to strengthen the body's resistance to infectious diseases. Suitable for this very simple methods, a healthy diet, refusal of bad habits, the proper operating mode, normal sexual life, the tempering and the sport. Mandatory reception of vitamins and immunomodulators of natural origin.

The treatment of prostatitis, with the help of medico-surgical exposure has to be in rare cases. Usually, the doctor prescribes an operation with abscesses, as well as the narrowing of the urine generate of the channels.
How to treat prostatitis in men? The right medical treatment and the key to the success of a treatment, but it is essential and the way of life of men. Factors promoting the development of prostatitis, a lot of things. These include: hypothermia, excessive alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle. The men, actively living the sexual life, must understand the importance of protected sex. Sexually transmitted infections is a primary source of the occurrence of inflammatory processes that can go in prostatitis, acute or chronic.
The choice of the doctor. Who to ask?
The treatment of this disease – the scope of a doctor urologist. Also not entered with the help of a doctor, which is relevant in the case of active infection. To cure the prostatitis quickly, unfolds a complex effect, in which the patient receives advice from a therapist and immunologist.