The main method to help prevent the development of prostatitis, is prevention. The experts agree that the main reason of prostatitis – decreased immunity and chronic sources of infection in the body. However, in the strengths of each man to minimize the factors that can cause inflammation of the authority. First of all, it is important for the representatives of the stronger sex over the age of 50. Launched by the illness is going to bring a lot of trouble: the treatment of long-term, serious complications and, frequently, problems in intimate life, so that prostatitis leads to an erection.
General prevention divided into two types:
- The primary. The main objective to prevent development of the inflammatory process.
- Side. Designed for patients, have already had the disease. The goal – to prevent the transition to a chronic stage.
The measures of prevention of the pathology include:
- Physical activity: walking, jogging, ice skating, tennis, hiking and skiing.
- Gymnastics for the stimulation of the muscles of the pelvis: the squats, the Kegel exercises, mahi feet "bike".
- The diet, which implies a limitation acute, spicy dishes, at the same time, including products, rich in vitamins and fiber.
- The refusal of tobacco consumption.
- Ordinary sexual life. The nature and frequency of the sexual life that have a direct influence on the state of the body. However, it should be noted that the promiscuous are the source of the infection. The various sexual perversions, duration of voluntary abstinence from procrastination and interruption of the act, the various sexual perversions are factors that impact negatively on the state of the gland. Sex with a perfect partner of the prevention of prostatitis.
- To avoid situations where the excitation will not lead to sex.
- The refusal of the interruption of the sexual act, as a means of contraception is ineffective and harmful.
The main components of the prevention

Take care of your health should last a lifetime. The prevention measures involve simple activities.
- Muscle training. The inactivity causes the muscles lose their elasticity. This eventually led to the proliferation of the authority.
- A walk. When walking occurs a prostate massage. This has a positive effect on the state of the body. In addition, the outdoor walks are beneficial for health in general.
- The massage. An excellent tool for the prevention professional the massage of the lumbar region. Perform their need at least four times per year.
- The plan. A proper diet is an important component of the prevention of prostatitis. You must completely eliminate the salt, acids, smoked products and increase the consumption of vegetables, cereals and fruit.
- How to avoid hypothermia. In order to avoid the development of inflammation, you should dress and season.
- The regular visits to doctors. As the prevention of the need for a screening at the urologist at least twice a year.
The adherence to simple preventive measures will help preserve the health of the men at the old age.
The sexual life at the prostatitis

With the exception of physical exercise, massages and of national resources, the prevention of prostatitis includes another important aspect ‒ a satisfying sex life.
- Patients suffering from prostatitis, should lead to regular intimate life with a regular partner.
- Sexual contacts should be excluded, as it can become the reason for the stagnation of secretions.
- In the absence of a permanent partner, do not use barrier contraception.
The fitness training at home
Physical inactivity is the reason for the stagnation of the blood in a small basin and leads to the deterioration of the blood circulation. You need to include in your routine, simple physical exercises.
Particularly recommended:
- During badminton and ping-pong.
- "Production" of gymnastics activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
- The walk, in the morning, and jogging.

The home gym – the best way to maintain the health in good condition. Light exercise can make any man
Any physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body, but there are exercises for the prostate.
Example of all the exercises of the prostate:
- Straining muscles of the perineum, trying to get involved in the rectum. This exercise is repeated at least five times in a row. In "lock" position for about three seconds.
- Straining muscles of the perineum, as if trying to stop urination. Perform this exercise in the course of the day of 200 methods are not less than four times.
- Relax and compress the muscle group intimate alternately, which slows down and speeds up the pace.
- Do relaxation exercises — the squeezing of the anus.
- In the morning, standing still", bending all the muscle groups, then relax.
- Put your feet about shoulder-width apart. Slowly superficially, crouch, kneel at the multiplication in hand. Repeat at least ten times.
- Walk on the square, the top by lifting your knees.
- Lie on the ground. Perform the activity "cycling", until in the buttocks or the calf is not the pleasant feeling of fatigue.
- You can start with normal sit-ups, doing 5-10 per day, gradually increase the number of sit-ups.
- "Walking on the buttocks". Sit on the floor and try to "get air" on the buttocks. Perform the exercise 5 minutes in the day.
Recipes of grandma for the prevention

Proven traditional recipes passed down from generation to generation, so you can use them for the treatment or prevention.
Folk remedies, used for many years for the prevention of the disease:
- Ivan-take the tea in the two tablespoons, pour half a liter of boiling water and let steep for five minutes, then drain. Drinking on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening (up to 30 minutes before dinner).
- Oats two tablespoons, pour 700 ml of hot water, cook on a small fire, so that the grains are tender. Drain and add 50 ml of juice of persil. Drink 100 ml
- Chop a kilo of seeds and the same number of cores of nuts. Each morning, eat shredded on a fine grater onion and a tablespoon of a mixture of sunflower and nuts.
- Green shell chestnuts insist decoction and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Chop the zest, take two full tablespoons of the mixture and pour half a liter of boiling water. Close and let stand overnight. Take in the morning, 1 teaspoon. Cure of the composition, store it in a cool place. A decoction to drink, until it will not end.
- Eat 25 pumpkin seeds raw all day a half hour before the meal.
- The honey and the propolis is one of the best remedies for the prevention of the pathology.
Well-being of a stimulation of the gland. Just spend time to prevent the development of the pathology and you will forget it. Self-massage will bring relief. The therapeutic massage of the authority will resume its normal operation, with:
- Improves blood circulation; and the amount of substances that enter the gland increases.
- The level of testosterone, responsible for normal erection increases.
- The muscle tone in the groin increases, normalizes the working setters of the ducts.
Chain pharmacies prevention

- The drugs, eliminating the inflammation of the body. The tablets are prescribed and acute, and during chronic stage of prostatitis. The drugs improve the metabolism of the body, relieving the swelling of tissue. Analgesics analgesics relieve pain in the region of the scrotum and lower abdomen.
- These pills prevent the proliferation of bacteria and microbes. Apply for the treatment of prostatitis bacterial. The drugs stimulate the improvement of the protective functions of the body. Generally, they are means of animal or vegetable origin.
For the treatment of prostate cancer recommend the use of dietary supplements, because they have fewer contraindications. These drugs repair the work of the genito-urinary system, facilitate urination, stimulate the blood circulation in the prostate.
The prevention of prostatitis – the guarantee of men's health for years to come, and it is self-confidence, the good mood, the feeling of self-confidence. It is the key to a long and happy life. Your health in your cancers!