Prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate is the sign of a strong half of mankind. According to the official statistics of the disease suffer about 16% of adult men. Doctors urologists call for other figures: not less than 35% of the male population of the country. The difference between the official data, the services and the real morbidity is easily explainable: the potential patients just do not have recourse to the doctors due to a sense of unease, oppression, lack of time, lack of understanding of the importance of this problem.
The inflammation of the prostate is now the leader in the group of men diseases that are transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Its complications threaten infertility, decreased libido, impotence.
The symptoms of prostatitis are not just painful sensations, disturbances of micturition, inflammation of the spermatic cord. The most dangerous a result of the execution of the inflammation may become cancer of the renaissance of prostate cancer. While the time diagnosed the pathological process is easily stopped.
The causes of inflammation
The risk of developing an inflammation of the prostate increases due to various predisposing to the disease points:
- Hypothermia alone or in combination with the nature of the work to the outside.
- Sedentary lifestyle, which leads to disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.
- Chronic physical diseases (diabetes, hypertension).
- The homes of focal, perifocal infection (rhinitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gastritis).
- Persistent UGI (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes simplex virus).
- The stress, the insomnia, the chronic fatigue syndrome.
- The decrease of the immunity due to the recent illness, rapid intervention, the emotional tension.
- Bad habits, leading to the development of intoxication: alcohol, smoking, strong coffee.
- Professional injury to the crotch of car drivers, athletes, workers in hazardous industries.
- Disorder of the sexual life, coitus interruptus, devoid of sensuality reports incomplete ejaculation, the long absence of closeness (low need in the sperm leads to the flow in the gland).
- The venereal diseases.
Despite a fairly large number of provocative moments, the essence of the prostatitis is, in the case of flow inside the authority, on a background of disturbances of the blood circulation and the lymphatic drainage.

Modern urology there is not one classification of the disease. However, the physicians prefer this option of classification inflammatory process of the prostate:
- Downstream of the disease:
- Prostatitis acute. It represents more than 50% of cases of the disease in people under the age of 30-35 years.
- Chronic of the option. Considered nevozmozhnoe category. For a long time does not manifest itself, the impetus to the development serves as a common cold, an infection.
- For the reason which has caused the pathology:
- Bacterial inflammation of the prostate, which is most prevalent in men under 40 years of age, occurs on the bottom of the UGI, shall not exceed the limits of the authority.
- Does bacterial of pathological changes in the thyroid gland, mainly chronic the flow.
- Virulent inflammation of the prostate is characterized by the current acute, affecting the whole sphere of sexuality.
- By the nature of the structural changes in the prostate gland:
- Fibrous prostatitis is fast and irreversible growth of the gland and the need for radical intervention. Clinically reminiscent of the adenoma of the prostate.
- Calculous inflammation of the prostate due to the formation of stones within the prostate. Considered as a precursor of cancer.
- A drain of the prostatitis, the result of a sedentary lifestyle, are diagnosed each second of the patient.
The signs of the disease
If a man discovers himself, at least two of these symptoms of prostatitis, you must immediately call a qualified service technician:
- A disorder of urination, with the appearance intermittent, a weak stream of urine unusually short range, call, water splashing, difficulty and pain prior to urination. Urination frequent evacuation of the bladder occur especially at night.
- The pain, which is localized in the abdomen, radiating into the scrotum, the perineum, the rectum.
- Sexual dysfunction.
- Problems with ejaculation, the change of sperm (the consistency of the amount).
Prostatitis acute
The disease starts with the high rise of temperature (up to 40 degrees), excruciating headaches, fever. Appeared the symptoms are accompanied by the pain syndrome in the groin, the perineum, the back, the secretions of the urethra, frequent urination, and exhorting them to him.
The emptying of the bladder occurs with a delay, a burning sensation. Itself the urine becomes cloudy, it may be a mixture of blood. Occurs irritability, fatigue.
The exodus of prostatitis acute can be a process of authorization (with the time, launched by the treatment). Since the changes occur in many organs of the pelvis, you can't let them take their course, or are the complications:
- Vesiculitis – inflammation of the seminal vesicles, the reason for the appearance of pus in the semen, this is not simply to reduce the quality of the ejaculate, but leads to a loss of the function of reproduction.
- Colliculi inferior – inflammatory changes in the seed tuber to become a pretext for the development of a severe syndrome of pain during the sexual intercourse, the interruption of the orgasm), impotence psychological.
- The formation of an abscess in the body of the prostate, of its rupture, purulent defeat of the rectum leads to an exacerbation of the symptomatology, the most powerful intoxication of the organism, until the death.
- The flow in the prostate tissue leads to a change in their structure, to the violation of the innervation, vasculature, prostate and the adjacent organs, for breach of their duties. The erection is insufficient for passing of the sexual act, premature ejaculation can occur long-term of the sexual act without orgasm.
- Rubtsovie changes in the gland, seed of the cord lead to infertility, to the reduction of the quality of the composition of semen, sperm motility. The narrowing of the urethra prevents the normal process of urination, obstruction of the bladder may cause acute retention of urine, requires surgical emergency.
The chronic prostatitis
The main feature of the disease is the blurring of the clinical symptoms of the prolonged use, resistant the whole process. The more often the chronic form occurs to you that the pathology on the background of the flow of blood in the vessels (prostatosis), abacterial prostatitis.
The main symptoms of chronic prostatitis are:
- fever;
- a pain in the testicles, the perineum, the anus, the back;
- a violation of urination;
- mucous or muco-purulent rectum, the urethra, even in the absence of urination or defecation;
- the violation of erectile function, painful ejaculation, coitus interruptus, long-coitus without a feeling of satisfaction.
- Infertility is the result of chronic inflammation in the seeds of the cord, the bubbles, the testicles, of their annexes.
- Cystitis, pyelonephritis (other diseases of the genito-urinary system) – as a consequence of the hematogenous and the spread of germs.
- Sepsis.
- Suffered a loss of immunity.
- Untreated prostatitis to 35 – 40% of the cases, can become the cause of a cancer.
The diagnosis
The clinical picture of the disease is typical, therefore, the diagnosis does not cause difficulties. It puts the urologist on the basis of the anamnesis, inspection of the patient, laboratory basic minimum of medical devices:
- A rectal examination breast, taking the secret of the study (sowing to the definition of sensitivity to antibiotics).
- The UAC, OAM, the urine culture.
- Smear on the MST, UGI-search.
- The surveillance of the rhythm of voids, measurement of the speed of urination (uroflowmetry).
- For the differential diagnosis, perform an ULTRASOUND or TRUS.
- If necessary, remove the oncology take the biopsy, spend urography, determine the DOG prostate specific antigen.
- For the diagnosis of infertility is named sperm – analysis of the ejaculate for the recognition of the fertility of men.
On the basis of the results of the survey for the individual patient will be established a pattern of integrated treatment of prostatitis. Upon the appointment of medicines shall take into account the form of the pathology, the presence of comorbidities. Where the treatment (hospital or outpatient) takes a doctor. The course of treatment for your password during the revision of the laboratory, the control of the results.
One of the most modern centres of treatment of prostatitis are from the clinic of the civil code "Mother and Child". Because the problem of infertility is closely related with urological diseases, the professionals give to this question great attention.
In the clinic "Mother and child" each patient has the possibility of completing a cycle special investigation, to obtain psychological support, to be treated drugs of the latest generation used in this field, to become familiar with the new methods of treatment of inflammation of the prostate. The last place in the treatment of prostatitis occupies, and the question of effective rehabilitation of patients, health monitoring, prevention.
Treatment of prostatitis acute
Prostatitis acute requires a rest special, salt-free diet, of sexual rest.
Methods within the treatment:
- The most effective in the treatment of prostatitis is a causal treatment. If the base of the prostatitis is an infection, priority rates of antimicrobial agents, which attenuates the manifestations of the inflammation.
- The pain syndrome cropped analgesics, antispasmodics, rectal candles, microclimate warm solutions of drugs against the pain. Perhaps the use of NSAIDS.
- Evidence of their efficacy, adjuvants, immunomodulators, enzymes, vitamins, the combination of oligo-elements.
- Physiotherapy is only possible in the subacute phase of the disease. They improve microcirculation, improve immunity: UHF, MICROWAVE, electrophoresis, laser, magnetic therapy.
- Massage – another effective method effects on the prostate. He opens the duct, normalize blood circulation in the organs of the scrotum, of the pelvis.
- Cheers to the retention of the leachate of the kidneys, you can adjust the catheterization, traganou cystostomy.
- Purulent processes requires a surgical procedure.
- The consultation of a psychologist.
Treatment of chronic prostatitis
With in the long term (not less than one month) effects on the prostate guaranteed to be 100% of the cure not. The priority for the phyto-medicines, the immunocorrection, the change of the habits of the household:
- The Phyto-medicines (for example, Likoprofit) is widely used in the practice of urological surgery. They are able to accumulate in the place the more active the disease process, protect cells against oxidation, the display of free radicals, prevent the proliferation of gland tissue.
- Antibiotic therapy is individually on the basis of the sensitivity of germs to drugs.
- Drugs that increase immunity, not only help to deal with prostatitis, to correct the adverse effects of antibiotics affect the function of the immune system.
- The pain syndrome was arrested by the appointment alpha-blockers, muscle relaxants.
- The prostate massage can eliminate mechanically the "excesses" the secret of the breast through the urethra, to improve circulation, to reduce to the minimum the phenomena stagnant.
- Physiotherapy: laser, magnet, ultrasound, iontophoresis, to sitz baths or warm microclystères with herbs.
- In severe cases, illustrated by intravenous fluids with diuretics. This stimulates a copious secretion of urine, profilaktirujut the symptoms of intoxication, the development of the rise of cystitis, pyelonephritis.
- When constipation practicing herbal laxatives.
- By the urologist, psychologist in collaboration with the patient to develop an individual program's long-term plan of the day, need rest, food, counting, physical exercise, sexual activity.
- In the case of the resistance of a chronic process in the therapy, the locking of the reflux of the urine to prescribe a surgical treatment: the removal of all affected tissue (transurethral resection of the prostate) or the complete removal of the gland with the surrounding tissue (prostatectomy). Practiced in exceptional cases, is fraught with impotence, incontinence. Young people do not go to the surgery, as this may cause infertility.
To prevent the emergence of unpleasant for the men of the disease it is necessary to eliminate the triggering factors and to respect some simple rules:
- Lead a healthy life, to abandon bad habits.
- Not supercool.
- Drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day.
- Enhance immunity, a lot of walking, temperate.
- Do physical exercise and sports, visit fitness clubs.
- To avoid stressful situations.
- Practicing regular sex with a regular partner.
- Regularly meet with a doctor urologist.